Guide #1 | Starting Out

When you start out in Leviathan Myth you recieve around 30,000 marks. You can go to the dragon's nest to buy some eggs (though note that you will have to buy eggs of the same breed to breed them together) or buy a net and try your luck at the lookout. The first 5 days of gameplay are relatively boring if you don't catch a dragon as you can't do much.
However, there are things you can do during these first days, like the daily games, wish at the wishing well, foraging, checking the alley for items and selling unwanted items to the merchant.
Egg Care is very simple, the only thing that determines if an egg gains a neglect day is if you don't rotate your eggs. Addtionally Eggs only die if they've been neglected a few days or drop under 35 F. Just remember eggs hatched below 95 F will hatch as male and eggs hatched above 95 F will hatch as females.
If You manage to catch a dragon above age 20, it can battle, just go to the dragon profile and set the battle ranges, just keep in mind that if you set the ranges too small you might not have opponents battling your dragons while you're offline often. While you lose marks for losing, battling becomes very profitable as your dragon ages.
When you have a hatchling you can take it to the training grounds and the hunting grounds, just make sure to do both of these things before rubbing your juju!
Just note that the hunting ages for areas are: River: 6+ years Forest: 25+ years Field: 50+ years Ocean: 75+ years Cave: 100+ years
You can also put marks in the treasury to get interest on it, this is also where you get your weekly income. Your interest maxes out at .2% of the money in the treasury.